Video memoirs, Treasure the words and wisdom of your Elders!


Holidays come and go and each year we savor the moment to talk to our Grandparents and the elders of our families, sitting around the fireplace listening diligently as they tell us stories of how things used to be, stories about first loves, first jobs, how they made millions, education and how they started the family. Its the most comforting moment of the day to listen to them tell the richest history about our pasts. Well if you are like most families you want to cherish those stories and intimate moments for a lifetime. Grandparents offer a wonderful gift with so much insight into the past and to our pasts, you should treasure your grandparents memories while they are here. When they speak about the “old days”; listen. What may seem like the a lot of “ramblings of an old person”; can be wisdom of someone who has seen and lived so much. Telling stories is our passion, we can help you customize a lifelong keepsake, a video memoir that can be preserved for years.